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Take Time to Smell The Coffee

I'm sitting by the Caribbean Sea, a glass of wine in hand, watching the Sun set. The ocean is my “happy place” and to me this is one of the most awesome places to be. But the tranquility of the sunset contrasted with the constant dinging of my Teams messages, email and texts coming in inspired me to write this (so do what I say, not what I do!) Seriously – how often do we, as leaders, take time to just be? To truly rest and recharge? As soon as I am finished here, I am going to try!

In the fast-paced, high-pressure professional world, the idea of slowing down often feels like a luxury we can't afford. But taking time to rejuvenate isn't just a luxury; it's an absolute necessity. Maybe you can’t just jet off to a Caribbean island, but find your serene space…it could be anywhere. It might be a quiet corner at home, a bench in a nearby park, or even your office early in the morning before the world wakes up. Be warned; it’s easy to let your mind wander back to work tasks or future plans. Instead, focus on the here and now. Feel the breeze, listen to the sounds around you, enjoy your coffee (or wine) – immerse yourself in the moment.

Most of us are very passionate about the work we do. We are constantly striving to achieve our goals and make a difference in the world (or at least to the patients). But all too often, we get caught up in the whirlwind of our lives, neglecting our own well-being in the process. We have to find the balance. While hard work and dedication are essential, we have to take a little time for ourselves. Taking time to recharge is not something

that just happens; it requires intentionality. We have to make a conscious decision to carve out time for ourselves, even when it seems like there's no time to spare. And we have to be willing to disconnect from our work and fully immerse ourselves in the present moment. It's important to remember that we can't pour from an empty cup. If we don't take care of ourselves, we'll eventually run out of steam, and our ability to lead will suffer.

Taking time to recharge is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength. It's the sign of a leader who understands that their well-being is essential for their success. So make the time to smell the coffee, to find your own oasis of serenity, and to recharge your batteries. You'll be a better leader for it.

Now I am sitting here (it’s tomorrow already), cup of coffee in hand, watching the Sun rise. My belief that we have to step back to simply enjoy the moment is soundly reinforced. I hope you can find your Caribbean sunrise – your moment of serenity. Remember, taking time to smell the coffee isn’t just about enjoying a good brew; it’s about giving yourself the space to breathe, reflect, and recharge. In doing so, you’re not just benefiting yourself, but you’re also setting a foundation for sustained success and well-being, both for you and your team.