
Tools Scott Williamson - OPIE Software | Executive Director of Customer Experience Tools Scott Williamson - OPIE Software | Executive Director of Customer Experience

Harnessing the Future: Elevating Your Practice with Technology

In today’s rapidly evolving O&P landscape, it's becoming increasingly evident that leading-edge technologies like 3D scanners and CAD software are not merely "nice-to-haves" but vital instruments shaping our profession’s future. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” right?

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Tools Scott Williamson - OPIE Software | Executive Director of Customer Experience Tools Scott Williamson - OPIE Software | Executive Director of Customer Experience

Business Performance Metrics – Operations 

Last week we talked about “An Ecosystem of Processes.” I reminded you that there are paid bounty hunters, hired by the federal government, whose job is to claw back monies paid to you for services rendered. Your best defense is a good offense and probably the most important thing you can do, after you have your processes of course, is to monitor your activities. It is far better that you find and fix issues before they become audits and fines.

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Tools Scott Williamson - OPIE Software | Executive Director of Customer Experience Tools Scott Williamson - OPIE Software | Executive Director of Customer Experience

Into the Unknown

If you are a regular reader, you know that I am a proponent of data. For over twenty years I have talked about the importance of objective data to tell the story of O&P. The most common response I get is that “we don’t get paid to collect data.” I understand that, to a degree. But I want to challenge that thought a bit. When it comes to knowledge there are three categories: The things we know we know (known knowns), Things we know we don’t know (known unknowns), and things we do not know we don’t know (unknown unknowns). It’s typically the largest chunk of knowledge available, but it is a “black hole” in our minds. It’s the unknown unknowns that typically bite us the hardest. 

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